As Mayor of my birthplace, Itta Bena, MS, I am so pleased that the citizens, former citizens, and friends of Itta Bena will have an opportunity to get a visual imagery of what is happening in this small, but great Mississippi Delta munic-ipality. Itta Bena, the home of Mississippi Valley State University, my Alma Mater is now entering into a new era of beginnings.  It is with this development of our website that many will see the community and its connectivity with Mississippi Valley State University.  The vision to become a college town community has become a reality. 
As a graduate of Mississippi Valley State University, I am proud that my community is the “home” of many professional persons such as doctors, lawyers, business leaders, political leaders, flight attendants, teachers, and many other professional fields of endeavor.  Dr. Roy C. Hudson, the former Interim President of Mississippi Valley State University, is originally from the Town of Itta Bena.
I entered into this most challenging position not to be served, but rather to be a servant for the citizens; for I am a recipient of a Divine vision.  Although it has been a constant struggle in our quest to improve the water and sewer infrastructure, housing, streets, economic development, and the maintenance of our electrical system, I am thankful that the positive changes have outweighed the negatives.

On behalf of the Board of Alderpersons for the town of Itta Bena, I pray that you will not only read about our community, but come for a visit.  You will experience an atmosphere of southern hospitality.

Thelma Collins, Mayor
Town of Itta Bena, Mississippi

A Message From The Mayor
Board of Alderpersons
Itta Bena City Officials
Mayor........................Thelma Collins

City Clerk...................Lacheronda Spivey

City Attorney.............Willie Perkins, Sr.

Court Clerk...............Carla Evans

Police Chief...............Marvin Flowers

Fire Chief..................Curtis Purnell

Ward 1.........................Mary Hines

Ward 2........................Lousia Grantham

Ward 3........................Walter Parker

Ward 4........................Donald Fulgham

Alderperson-At-Large....................Elmus Stockstill
Board of Alderpersons’ meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month:
Time: 6:30 P.M.
Location:  L. T. Brazil Center
600 Martin L. King Drive
Itta Bena, MS  38941
  All meetings are open to the public.