Police, Fire or Health Emergencies.................911

Police Services...........................(662) 254-6333

Fire Department..........................(662) 254-0021

Public Works Department............(662) 254-7231
Contact the city hall to schedule an appointment with the mayor and for other inquiries:

(662) 254-7231
(662) 254-6550 fax
e-mail:  cityofittabena@yahoo.com

Written inquiries and utility payments may be placed in the drop box or mailed to:

Itta Bena City Hall
P.O. Box 563
Itta Bena, MS  38941

The Itta Bena City Hall is the central source of information and houses the mayor’s office and city clerk.  Whether applying for a business license, making a utility payment or reserving meeting space at the community center, the city hall is where you will be directed. 
Located in Itta Bena’s historic downtown district, the tan bricked building was originally the site of the Itta Bena Banking and Trust Company, organized in 1904.  The interior of the tan brick structure still showcases some of these memories with the tall grandfather clock and the gold bank vault doors leading to the record’s room. 

The city clerk is the custodian of all minute books, ordinances, contracts, and maintains records of other official actions taken by the board.   Notary services are free and local faxing  is available for $2.00 per page.

Click on map to enlarge.